More than 150 gastronomic experiences
Since the beginning of October, Sant Bistró Portals has been offering tasting menus with six steps, three first steps, two seconds and a dessert for 42 euros. They will change according to seasonal products, as Luis Trives, the chef of this elegant restaurant, likes to do.
Luis Trives trained at the hotel and catering school of the Balearic Islands, has developed his career in several restaurants and has specialized in techniques such as molecular cooking, josper ovens, vacuum cooking, among others. He is committed to treating the product in a noble way, respecting the traditional cuisine with local products and using avant-garde techniques.
The tasting begins with a foie bonbon blanched in pistachio with brioche and pear chutney with saffron and chili strands.
Afterwards, there is a salmon ceviche with roasted sweet potato, avocado cream and wheat milk with mango.
It is followed by carpaccio black angus, with parmesan in textures, four citrus fruits and truffle of the season, a very attractive and cheerful dish to enjoy one of the best meats in the world.
Soon the fish returns to prominence with a sea bass confit with pea puree and squid ink air.
The next proposal is to astonish the diners and to take off an expression of surprise. It starts with a cheekbag with lime parmentier cream and... wrapped in pine smoke. The waiters go to the table with crystal bells that seem to enclose a cloud, deposit them, lift the lid and... pine smoke invades the air and lets you see the contents of the dish.
It starts with a cheekbag with lime parmentier cream and... wrapped in pine smoke.
The dessert of this menu, which can be tasted every afternoon and also at midday on weekends, is varied and includes various textures and flavors. The best of the best to enjoy one of the most classy corners of Portals.