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CG recommends: FaBrick Food&More

Sea Cappuccino Coffee or starter?

One of the untouchables on the menu that is not FaBrick Food & More's menu is the sea cappuccino. On Valentine's Day the notebooks written by Adriane Scarpetta to inform about the dishes on offer, this elegant and exquisitely flavored trampantojo is one of the recommended.

"Once I tried something similar," explains Andrea Colli, the chef at FaBrick Food & More, "I tried to reproduce it, but in our own way."

A very well executed trampantojo

This is a delicious roasted cauliflower cream that is placed on a sepia base sautéed in its ink. The black color recreates the background coffee, which is mixed with the cream to create the illusion of cappuccino toasting and crowned with crushed cocoa beans in a mortar, so that there are large pieces, which give it the final crunchy touch.

It is presented in a transparent glass cup and Adriane recommends dragging the ingredients with the spoon from the bottom, to enjoy all the textures and flavors of this recipe with sea and garden flavor.

"The black color recreates the background coffee, which is mixed with the cream to create the illusion of cappuccino toasting"

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